Wednesday, February 21, 2007

New York City in January with a 4 month old

Our first vacation with the baby and we left sunny California for Indiana and then New York for 3 weeks. You would think we were moving with the amount of luggage we had.

Someone should really tell you that those travel systems are great if you never go on vacation or if you have a 7 seater vehicle for only 3 people. We had a stretch town car on the way to the airport and the stroller had to come in the back with us it was so big. Just a Graco Quatro Tour but still.

It was January 2004 and it was the coldest winter on record in New York. -17 below F with wind chill. And here we were trying to go shopping and site seeing with the 4 month old in a snow suit in his stroller with a rain cover over the top to shield him from the freezing wind.

That was not nearly as funny as trying to get a cab or should I say two at Grand Central Station with our mountains of luggage.

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